My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
First things first – the title is cheesy, but it sets a good frame of reference for the book. This book was fun and silly and totally enjoyable! It was a quick read that had me smiling almost 100% of the time. There was your typical formulaic “misunderstanding” sequence, but totally worth it to give you a nice happily ever after.
Noah and Alice’s relationship was great to watch blossom in this book. Trapped in a cruise ship turned out to be a great setting for all the romance and silliness and smut that a girl could want. Rather than giving us a main character that is virginal or completely unaware of the supernatural community, we got Alice. She really reminded me of some of my friends who are tough where it counts. They force you to have fun and not take yourself too seriously.
I’m not sure if there are other books in this series that I missed or if we’ll meet characters that were mentioned in some other installment, but I’m ready to read more of these. This book was so light and carefree that it was a pleasure to read.
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