Jillian Spectre & The Dream Weaver by Nic Tatano
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book picks up where the first book left us, with our amazing crime fighting gang with superhuman powers. They’re still battling against evil (and generally helping out the good guys) but they are not prepared for what they face here: college. Yes, OK, there is a bigger evil plan hatching, but ultimately the thing that they have the hardest time fighting is their own emotions, feelings, communication, and distance. Strap in for some tough teenage drama here!
Jillian is still madly in love with her boyfriend Ryan, and he’s pretty much the rock that she leans on (literally, when she passes out from using too much of her powers). Unfortunately, even he can’t protect her from the powers of the big bad of the book: the dream weaver. What happens when you can’t figure out if you’re dreaming or awake? Bad things. Really bad things. On the small scale, there’s a bunch of people losing their ability to make decisions, on the larger scale there are some big governmental changes that can be orchestrated.
Of course, with great power comes great responsibility so Jillian and friends find themselves tasked with saving the world. This time was a bit more difficult because the group is largely compromised by the dream weaver’s actions (and the fallout afterwards). You don’t know who to trust until the very end, and even then the lines are still fuzzy. I felt bad for all the turmoil jammed into this book, but such is the life of a superhero I guess. I’m loving these YA-ish books and their zany antics. I can’t wait for another one!
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