My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Gosh, this book was loads of dark, fun, romantic awesomeness. Sam and Clive are just great together and constantly challenge my expectations for what mess they can get into.
This book is all about “the guild,” a super secret group of vampires that essentially polices the nocturnes. It’s invite only, and Clive just so happens to get on the short list of potential candidates. As a supportive wife, Sam comes along to what she only later finds out is a renovated asylum which is lousy with ghosts and general bad juju. Right from the start, things do not go as planned and it is clear there is something going on that is affecting the attendees.
Sam, of course, meets the local werewolves in the worst way possible and ends up making frenemies. It’s through this relationship that we learn some of the local lore that could potentially explain some of the awful things Sam has witnessed both in real life and from the ghosts. Oh, and did I mention Vlad is real in this world and we meet him? Of course he is a part of the guild and he ends up joining our band of good guys to do… a lot of things that I won’t spoil. Don’t worry, though, because even though Sam makes gigantic messes everywhere she goes, thing usually end up better because of it.
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