Lash by L.G. Castillo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book was a quick, good read filled with some really hot angels! Lash is one of the fallen angels, who have apparently used his time on Earth to perfect his hotness and go into some sort of debaucherous spiral. The events that led to his fallen status set in motion a much larger set of problems for the world in general, of which he is not aware. We get a good taste of what this new series will be like in this first book, but not too much.
Naomi is caught up in the ramifications of Lash’s poor decisions, which send her into a bit of a dark place. Tasked with keeping her alive, Lash falls into her life as a protector as well as a yummy crush. I think my favorite character in the book, though, was Welita (Anita). Her feisty comments and absolute faith kept me entertained and smiling, even when everything was looking pretty grim. There were a lot of pieces that had to move into place in order for the bigger storyline to progress, so we spent a bit of this book getting to know all the other angels and their fallen counterparts. If I had to complain about one thing it would be that this book is too short! Just when I was falling in love with Naomi and Lash, the book ended, without enough smut for my liking (especially based on the steamy cover). I would love to read more from this series to see what happens to Jane.
Overall, this was a good, short read that had me eagerly flipping pages to watch Naomi and Lash’s relationship develop (and see what Welita would say next!).
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