Friday, September 27, 2013

Review: Hell's Belle

Hell's Belle
Hell's Belle by Karen Greco

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

What a great read! This book was filled with all the things I love – action, paranormals, romance, and a tough chick main character! The story follows Nina, who is trying to “go home” and get her family life in order. Unfortunately, her job as a “blood ops” soldier (tasked with dealing with rogue paranormals) follows her back to Rhode Island. It’s a good thing that she can hold her own as a half vampire herself.

The motorcycle riding, butt kicking heroine in this story discovers a lot about herself in this book. While tending bar for her aunt, Babe, her secret past gets thrown in her face by a vampire and some witches. Nina is then tasked with finding a way to help the authorities solve some grisly murders while still keeping some secrets to herself along the way. It was really great to watch Nina work through all these things and a heap of other issues without dissolving into your typical indecisive female mess.

The overall story gave a lot of insight into the group dynamic in Nina’s life. Her vampire BFF, Frankie, was a great presence to steady Nina along the way. Max, the FBI love interest, acted as a good hottie boyfriend sort, supporting Nina but at the same time asking the questions I wanted answered. Dr. O and Babe were awesome parent-type figures that obviously had to keep secrets from her – but those secrets drive most of the decisions in this book, mostly for the better.

The easy writing style, coupled with some fantastic characters and story, really sucked me in from the first page. I can’t wait to see where this series heads in the future!

View all my reviews

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