Star Kissed by Lizzy Ford
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I freely admit that futuristic sci-fi is not my thing, usually. Lizzy Ford, however, is. That got me to start this book, but the addicting storyline got me to finish it in about a day.
This story follows Mandy, a fired model who is transported into the future where Earth and its inhabitants are suffering. She meets Akkadi and gets thrown into royal drama and war from that moment on. Her romance was great to watch and really steamed up the pages. There was resolution at the end, even though I was skeptical of it being possible. I had this horrible thought that maybe this was going to be a trilogy or a series starter that didn't give me the happy cuddly ending I wanted. Boy, was I wrong. I got everything I wanted from this book and was happy that I broke my contemporary paranormal romance rule just this once.
The writing was the same as I've come to expect from Lizzy Ford, so if you've ever read one of her books and liked it -- check this one out, too!
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