Bittersweet Magic by Nina Croft
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Wow – this was one shockingly good read! From start to finish, I couldn’t get the story out of my head. Hot vampires, steamy scenes, one really tough chick main character, and some sigh worthy romance make this a must read for paranormal fans out there.
Admittedly, I have not read book 1 of this series (something that I mean to remedy in the near future), but it did not impact my enjoyment of the book in the slightest. This book begins with Roz, an immortal “seeker” (with some bonus powers) who is in service to a demon for a number of tasks. Her character was a refreshingly crass and honest take on your typical heroines. She, of course, probably wouldn’t see herself as one, but she’s the good guy in all of this. To complete the very last of her tasks tying her to the demon, she must go collect a key from a very secluded convent. Cue the undercover nun music – but don’t worry, it wasn’t nearly as hokey as it sounds. While staking out the key, a vampire and his demon henchmen end up slaughtering most of the convent and tasking a nun with delivering a message to Piers, leader of “The Order.”
Piers was absolute perfection. The absolutely unforgiving vampire leader of The Order, he has a history of seducing innocents and pretty much being a womanizer. When Roz stumbles into his life with a nun in tow, everything changes. While not a love at first sight moment, it eventually escalates to fireworks and near heart-attack level desire. The romance and denial of that romance made for a truly wonderful read. They are both prone to enormous acts of self-sacrifice which results in a coupling filled with some high stakes fights with even bigger rewards.
I can’t say enough good things about this book. If you’re at all into paranormal reads – check this one out!
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