Bad Cop by Angela McCallister
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Having not read the first book in this series, I had no real expectations. That being said, the lack of experience with the series did not at all stop me from thoroughly enjoying this book.
I love reading contemporary vampire romance books. This one takes place in a world where vampires are in the open and consist of two different "types" that make up their rather archaic system of ruling. Our main character is Alice. She's tough in her own right and is dealing with the heavy burden of her dying twin brother. Even with that weight on her shoulders, she manages to step into the position acting as a vampire liaison head. As far as my understanding goes, this involves coordinating investigations and a lot of paperwork. And hot vampires. That's where Ian comes into play. He's a hot vampire Tracker, in charge of policing his own kind and tracking down rogues. When they are forced to work together, the sparks fly. This book doesn't shy away from the smut, and for that I was grateful.
Of course there are issues, secrets, and misunderstandings, just like in every other paranormal romantic situation (especially in this one because Alice has a particular ax to grind when it comes to cops). These books appear to be relatively self contained, so the story wraps up nicely with no cliffhangers, and a good HEA.
I really enjoyed reading Alice and Ian's story and will have to keep an eye out for other books from this author. I could always use more hot vampire romance on my kindle!
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