Sunday, January 12, 2014

Review: Accidentally...Cimil? (Accidentally Yours #4.5)

Accidentally...Cimil? (Accidentally Yours, #4.5)Accidentally...Cimil? by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Wow, this one really filled in a lot of blanks we had from previous books. Not only did it explain Cimil's motivation, but it also sort of explained away her crazy. I mean, she's still crazy, don't get me wrong, but we got to see why she's crazy and just how crazy she really is. That's a lot of crazy, I know, but totally worth it.

Why is she working on everyone's mates? Is she in love? Who is she always talking to? What's the deal with her unicorn? Pretty much anything you can come up with gets answered in this novella. This wasn't nearly as short as the other novella of the series, but it was still shorter than a true book, so if you're hoping for some monster book -- this is not it.

Reading this story makes me want to go back to read the first few again just so I can piece the entire puzzle together. And it really is a puzzle -- we are getting pieces in each book, which I hope will magically fall into place in the last book. Right? Right??

View all my reviews

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