Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Review: The Love Song Girl

The Love Song Girl The Love Song Girl by Tawdra Kandle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am a sucker for a good, sweet romance. While I typically stick to the paranormal type, this author has convinced me that I can enjoy a solid love story, even without the magical elements thrown in. It says something for the writing style that I don’t even miss the ghouls and goblins!

While these stories can undoubtedly be read as standalone books, you really get a feel for the wonderful world of Burton if you start way back at the beginning. Tori may not have been a standout star in previous books, but she certainly steps up to the plate in this one! Tori is an independent, determined, awesome woman. She’s had a few bumps in the road, but she is fast on her way to making her love of fashion into a sustainable career. There’s a plan, with many steps, that she is fast executing and just waiting on some final push to make the plunge into full independence from her boring job. Thing definitely get shaken up when her younger brother convinces her to accompany him to one of her least favorite activities – live country music.

Hunter is a small town boy at heart and ends up doing a favor for Mason by adding a show to his very popular tour. It doesn’t hurt that he could use an extra dose of inspiration in his future song writing. Change, in that respect, would be very good for Hunter’s future album. At first sight, however, he is smitten by the sassy Tori Westin. Sure, all her walls are up and it is clear that she has no interest in being there, but somehow he convinces her to go out on a sort-of-kind-of date with him later that evening. Nobody said it would be easy, but their budding relationship is 100% worth the struggle.

This romance was not easy and not really a fairy tale, but it was real and fun with all the stuff life usually throws in. It was really great to see Tori and Hunter both work at what becomes a smile-worthy ending. I could read 100 of these stories and never get tired of this town. Bring on some more!

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