Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Review: My Fair Millennial: A Romantic Comedy

My Fair Millennial: A Romantic Comedy My Fair Millennial: A Romantic Comedy by Elle Hume
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

OK, I went into this book completely blind. I know the author’s other work and love that, so I figured I’d give this a go. At first glance, this description looks like something I would not enjoy – a millennial girl who has to work with some uptight guy? Wow, was I wrong!

At first glance, Lizette is everything that will annoy you. It looks like she’s a party girl that magically gets through life on her social media skills and fashion sense. If you look deeper, though, there is some true genius to this girl. Jason Moon, a famous photojournalist who has been tasked with being Lizette’s partner in the company’s new endeavor, has the same knee jerk reaction I did to Lizette. She really grows on you, though, and Jason is no exception to her magic. These two were great fun to watch bounce around each other, each trying to stay to their “brand.”

Aside from all the craziness, Lizette was a true force to be reckoned with. She definitely became a bit of an inspiration for not caring what people think and just being who you are. Does she have tough moments? Is she heavily reliant on attention? Sure, but there is a deeper layer to her that is tough as steel. I absolutely cannot wait to see where this series takes me if this is only the beginning!

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