Friday, January 11, 2019

Review: His Devious Angel

His Devious Angel His Devious Angel by Mimi Barbour
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

These books are definitely getting better as they go along. I found myself smiling a lot more during this book than the last. The angel, also, was a little less pronounced here.

Liam is suffering from a case of indecision and anxiety, but a nearly fatal car accident with a woman and a child turns his life upside down. Sadie is determined to live her life in almost the exact opposite way her family lives theirs. They are all overweight? Well, she’s going to be skinny. They all spend a lot of time together? She’s going to move out on her own. It’s during one such rebellious run that she saves a child from Liam’s car. She ends up injured herself, which gives Liam the perfect excuse to spend more time with her.

These two, while initially abrasive and awkward, ended up grown on me. Sadie gets over her man hate and Liam ends up facing the majority of his demons. Oh, and there’s dogs! They really help smooth over some rough edges in this story. I’m eager to see where the next book goes, since they keep getting more and more interesting.

View all my reviews

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