My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Cesar Hawke’s timeline is now happily overlapping with the author’s other books. I get a happy smile on my face every time they give us a glimpse of Elise and her friends. We also get to watch Cesar make some incredibly tough decisions and further develop who he is. The book starts with Cesar heading into Reno after the destruction of pretty much the entire city. Tasked with finding the person to blame for all of this, Cesar is put in a horrible position. We get to see Malcolm again, unfortunately while he is in a bit of a spiral. Cesar’s story also starts to overlap with some familiar faces and events.
Oh, and Cesar wouldn’t be who he is if he didn’t have women problems, too. These are made worse by said woman being engaged to marry someone forever bonded to him in the aspis/kopide relationship. The larger story ends up beginning to expose Cesar to the hidden agenda of the Office of Preternatural Affairs. It’s a little difficult to summarize and review this book because there were a lot of moving parts and stories going on at once (in a good way). This book made me root for Cesar again, even if he tends to be inexplicably drawn to big trouble.
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