Sunday, November 20, 2022

City of Night

City of NightCity of Night by Linsey Hall
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was so good! I delayed writing a review because I really wanted to give this book the justice it deserves.

The name and general description seem to indicate this will be another PNR with reluctant heroine and sexy bad boy demon romance. Is that true? On the surface, sure, but this book is so much more. Cora has worked for some bad people doing bad things with her even worse powers because her mother sold her off when she was very young. When she finds a bookshop inheritance in New Orleans, she takes the opportunity as a way to escape and start a “real life.” Unfortunately for her, this life comes with a book shop that’s haunted, paranormal territories that require a certain level of obedience, and random folks getting nabbed off the street. It’s the last that finally pushes to many of Cora’s buttons and sends her back into hunting.

She finds a partner in the local demon leader, Talan. After a little fighting and arrogance, these two end up lighting the pages on fire. The more Cora fought, the more I was rooting for them to end up having some fun times together. Working together on the mysterious disappearances ends up being the push they both needed to get over themselves. It was fun to watch the unique blend of paranormal elements in this universe unfold and I absolutely cannot wait for another book in this series!

View all my reviews

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