Monday, April 10, 2017

Review: Bitter Thirst

Bitter Thirst Bitter Thirst by S.M. Reine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

These books are awesome and make my head hurt at the same time. Having read through all the other books in this universe (and does it still count as the same universe if it has been remade?), there are oodles of connections and references thrown around liberally in Cesar’s story. That being said, I’m sure I’m missing a ton of them, but I still strain to figure out all the links and timeline parallels.

Cesar is still… himself. He’s gruff and chauvinistic, but somehow still loveable. Through no devious plan of his own, he ends up thrown into some gigantic political intrigue that involves the OPA becoming a big player in a bill for preternatural registry. We (or most of us) know how this ultimately ends, but it was still nice to see the inner workings at play. I was particularly entertained by Tate, which is something I might never have expected to say. We get lots of familiar faces and even more backstabbing than before. Cesar just keeps finding new and interesting ways to be screwed in almost all situations (and even in some fun ways, too).

The overall story? That’s a little complicated. While chasing down leads for a senator’s murder case, he ends up tasked with some “off the record” work that leads him back to the evil apple group. Remember them? He’s also forced to confront the lack of any clear good/bad in pretty much all these situations. Oh, and to make matters worse, his family is up in arms about his choices lately. Poor Cesar. I can’t wait to see how his story wraps up.

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