Saturday, September 7, 2013

Review: Shadow Bound

Shadow Bound
Shadow Bound by Erin Kellison

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Wow -- this book was unexpectedly good! I got it for free, which is not usually the best indicator, but this book was really really really good! There was action, fae, smut, and romance -- not necessarily in that order. The rich and creative story and characters really blew me away.

This was such a wonderful read from beginning to end. It starts with the love story of Talia's mother and father. They fell in love despite their different worlds and from that union, Talia was born. Fast forward to present day and the introduction of Adam. His character was beautifully imperfect and struggling in so many ways. It was heart wrenching to watch him struggle with this chaotic world of "wraiths" and still try to remain good. Talia also struggles to help Adam on his quest to rid the world of these "wraiths" that just so happened to pop up when she did.

The romance of the story was lovely and sad. They both have so much riding on them that they rarely were able to steal some happiness. I really look forward to reading the second installment to see where the characters end up.

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