My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I admit, 33 books in and I had a little trouble remembering who Quinn was in the larger group of vampires. The book does a good job catching those of us who have trouble remembering up without issue, while at the same time diving right into the action.
We join Jet and Quinn as they are survivors of a plane crash. Since Quinn is a vampire (as are the rest of the passengers) it's not so big a deal. Jet, unfortunately, is human, so he becomes the only possible blood source for some very injured vampires. Since Quinn is one of the only uninjured vampires, it's suddenly up to her to make sure he survives. This is well outside both of their comfort zones, but they manage to take on the task as best they can.
Quinn's story is that she was turned against her will. Her son is also a vampire and they were both forcibly turned by her ex-husband. Her son has definitely adapted and it helps that her sister is a vampire. All of this to say, though, that she is still very much fighting being a vampire. Her trip on the plane was actually so she could get some vampire mental health checkup. Jet is obsessed with Quinn, but she doesn't even remember meeting him right after her turning. He definitely takes it personally, and he's got a little bit of an issue with vampires in general, I think, at the start.
It's funny how quickly them running in the jungle for their lives will help them form a bond. The life mates thing helps too, of course, but it felt much less... abrupt, this time around. I found myself happy that they were on the run together and moving quickly through the courting typical of these books. Overall, either 33 books in I have gotten over it, or it was less jarring here. I'll keep reading these books until they run out of mates!
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