Monday, August 25, 2014

Review: The Space In Between

The Space In Between
The Space In Between by Jen Minkman

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This author never lets me down, and this book really didn’t disappoint. If you’re looking for a love story with a paranormal twist, you should really check this one out. You’ll laugh, you’ll smile, and you might even cry, all while learning about a unique and interesting world.

Moira is an art student who is dragged along by her sister to a Halloween ritual. The two women, along with their brother, end up opening a portal of sorts between their world and the one “in between.” It’s a little difficult to explain the rest of the details without spoiling any future readers, but I can say a few general and vague things about it. Moira spends her time in this new world getting to know Hayko, a boy who pretty much represents everything that Moira wants to be, but isn’t at the moment. It was wonderful watching the journey she makes from the beginning of the book to the end. She really gets to grown into herself along the way, no matter what twists and turns crop up.

The world building in this book is phenomenal and I found myself holding on for an extra hour or two just to “finish this chapter” or “get to the end of this page.” The romance was also slow and steady, choosing to grow over time as opposed to the spontaneous love stories I seem to have been reading lately. It was refreshing and honest in its narrative and I was smiling big and bright at the end. This author is quick becoming one that I can truly depend on for a fantastic read.

View all my reviews

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