Realm Walker by Kathleen Collins
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
This book was a fun and original read that created a rather unique world filled with "realm walkers", vampires, werewolves, and demons (just to name a few).
I freely admit to some procrastination about reading this book. The title just didn't scream "you'll love this!", though the tough chick certainly seemed to be right in my comfort zone. I shouldn't have worried. This book was jam packed with action of the paranormal kind (but not high fantasy, thank goodness), as well as enough romantic entanglement and drama to sustain a massive new series. The chemistry between Thomas and Juliana was off the charts! My only complaint would be not getting enough payoff in that department, but I understand that you can't just give me HEA in book 1.
The main plot centers around Juliana's hunt for a couple of demons who just so happen to know her by name. They end up hopping bodies to some of her loved ones, and that's when things get rather personal. Juliana's character is one of a tough chick shell with a gooey girl in the middle. The method of storytelling was one of my favorites. We jump right into Juliana's story, gaining insight along the way.
I'm eager to see where this series goes and would *love* to read more about the side character. They were all very well written and interesting on their own. This book will hopefully be the first of many in this new world.
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